Games make science less intimidating, improve maths skills and help students work together better
Read more about our research below

Games improve Maths skills…
“Siegler and his colleague Dr Geetha Ramani arranged three 20-minute sessions of board game play with 124 children on a US government programme for low-income families …. Of the total, 68 played with a numerical version of The Great Race, a game that involves moving on numbered squares. The rest played an identical game but with the numbers replaced by colours.
By the end of the sessions, the children who played the numerical version did significantly better than those on the colour version in four tests of numerical aptitude.
And the improvement in numerical tests is still measurable nine weeks later. Giving children an early maths boost is significant because previous studies have shown that differences in mathematical ability between children in the first year at school persist into secondary education.”
Read study here: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/03/080325083304.htm
Games Make Science Less intimidating…
John Coveyou, a former chemistry teacher and founder of Genius Games explains, “after realising how “intimidated” many of his students were by scientific concepts and noticing how he and his gaming friends would remember “useless information about sci-fi worlds and things that didn’t exist, he reasoned that well-crafted strategy of using games in his lessons.(Randerson, J. 2008)
Games were ideal for making science more approachable and we’ve applied these principles to our games workshops.
Read the full article here: https://amp.theguardian.com/science/2019/apr/20/board-games-turning-science-into-playtime